Monday, October 30, 2006

.::. cleaning me work desk .::.

I'm finally done with cleaning me work desk. It was a TOTAL MESS and now it's looks slightly better. Of course I couldn't find any creepy crawlies but then I think my wooden turtle I bought from Bangkok was infected by termites. So yeah, I had to throw that away. Awwww... It looked so cute! I must get me more stuffed turtles or something. They're so cute! Our office's undergoing renovation in December and I have to shift my desk, which means, a smaller table.

Smaller table = Lesser stuffs/rubbish to store. =_=

Earlier, my boss was asking us to fill in training forms for next year. I was like "Oh.. my.. god.. the courses are so freakin' boring and I had to choose two?!" How come there aren't any courses on Advanced Korean or Japanese? *shoots self* In the end I had to choose this "Building Construction Safety Supervisor" and "Project Management". OMG. I swear I'm gonna die from dryness of the courses. @_@

Ah Huat was writing his courses down and I was swaying to SeeYa+Brown-Eyed Girl's "The Day" (complete with leg movement and singing) when my boss was like:

Boss: Are you okay?

Me: Huh? =_='''

My team leader: *walks past* She hasn't been okay since she got back from Korea.

Boss: *nodding*

Me: =_='''

I still am sore that the boys got to call her. I guess she's lucky to have an unni who's close to them. I could have fainted on the spot if I hear Yoong's voice at the other line, seriously. And Buibui's laughter... *shakes head*

I want to return to Seoul... T_T I'm going ask Jung is she's keen on going for a half-yearly pilgrimage to Seoul starting next year. Hmmm... ... ...

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