Saturday, December 30, 2006

.::. *flies a kite at Marina South*.::.

Current Ear Candy: "Bohemian" by Park Ki Young

My GM came behind us this morning at the computer room and gave us a "Happy New Year" handshake. I got a rude shock cuz I was surfing Soompi. *slams head onto the monitor* I should have opened the Works Order System, or better still, change another PC location which is AWAY from his view. GAH~~~~~

Before I left the office. my very coll manager gave me a "Happy New Year" handshake and asked me to NOT to be good, but be naughty. Apparently he thinks that I, Ashley Kim Siut Ai Ling does not have any life. I HAVE A LIFE FOR GOD'S SAKE!

*imagines myself bringing a big-ass sized kite to Marina South and running innocently around*

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